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the power of allyship and advocacy

Speakers: Alex Wood-Seems, Cameron McNeil

Moderator: Morgan Richard

Time slots: 10:10-10:50/1:50-2:30

Description: In discussing feminist issues, it is important to realize that women only account for 50% of the population so men are just as large a part of the solution as women. Men can play a huge role in supporting the women in their lives, by listening to their perspectives, validating their efforts, and openly advocating for them.

Recommended for: allies who would like to learn about how to help empower their female identifying peers   

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making failure your friend

Speakers: Ana Paula de Castilho, Lisa Robichaud, Rachelle Bernier, Jane McGinn

Time slots: 11:00-11:40/1:00-1:40

Description: Whether it’s not being able to whistle, failing a test, or not getting a call back for an interview, everyone’s been there. And if you haven't yet you will at some point in your life. This panel talks about what it's like to fail, why it's important for personal growth, and how to pick yourself up when you fall. 

Recommended for:  anyone